General Project Information
The first option listed on the project technical information window outlines general project information. To capture or edit project general project information, take note of the following:

- (D-1) The system number is automatically generated as a CP3 ID when the project is created.
- (D-2) The project name, which should be captured by the user.

- (D-3) The project description, which should be captured by the user.
- (D-4) The technical priority of the project. Users can rank each project in terms of internal priority within the department, by selecting a technical priority on the sliding bar.
- (D-5) The project scope is automatically generated from the mSCOA selections made (refer to Section 4).
(D-6) To save the information captured, click save. To undo information, click undo. Once the information is saved a confirmation message will appear.
- (D-7) To navigate to the previous or next option listed on the project technical information window, click the forward or back arrow.
(D-8) To close the window, click exit. If the window is closed, or when a user leaves the page without saving information the following message will warn users to save or discard information captured.